OpenWeb Acquires Jeeng, for $100M | Openweb Jeeng 100m

OpenWeb Acquires Jeeng

In a groundbreaking move, OpenWeb, a prominent New York-based community engagement platform provider, has successfully acquired Jeeng, a fellow New York-based audience management platform, in a deal valued at $100 million.

Strengthening User Relationships: OpenWeb’s Strategic Acquisition

This strategic acquisition is set to fortify OpenWeb’s capability to establish personalized connections with millions of users across the digital landscape. Jeeng, renowned for its audience management prowess, is poised to elevate the community engagement platform’s efficacy in delivering contextualized marketing and tailored messaging on an unprecedented scale.

Jeff Kupietzky’s Vision: Transforming Personalized Audience Engagement

Under the leadership of Jeff Kupietzky, the CEO of Jeeng, formerly known as PowerInbox, the company has pioneered personalized, automated, and multichannel messaging solutions. These cutting-edge solutions empower publishers to not only drive new revenue but also foster personalized audience engagement. Jeeng’s approach allows publishers to take ownership of and optimize their audiences through automated, cross-channel messaging tailored to individual audience interests. This is seamlessly facilitated by a dynamic messaging platform. Notably, Jeeng currently supports an impressive network of 650 publishers, with 150 million unique monthly visitors. Prominent names such as VICE Media, The Atlantic, Crain’s, HarperCollins, and Vox Media trust Jeeng to build and nurture relationships with readers through hyper-personalized messaging across multiple channels.

Nadav Shoval’s Innovation: OpenWeb’s Technology Empowering Communities

Nadav Shoval, the CEO of OpenWeb, leads a team dedicated to providing a technological platform that empowers partners to build thriving communities grounded in meaningful conversations and social experiences. OpenWeb collaborates with over 1,000 top-tier publishers, hosting a staggering 100 million active users each month. Since its inception in 2015, OpenWeb has grown to include a team of 265 professionals spread across New York City, Tel Aviv, Kiev, San Diego, Canada, London, and Paris. Backed by world-class investors such as Georgian, Insight Partners, Entrée Capital, The New York Times, Samsung Next, Dentsu, and ScaleUp, the company has raised an impressive $393 million in funding, currently boasting a valuation of $1.5 billion.

A String of Success: OpenWeb’s Recent Acquisitions and Funding

This acquisition marks the third strategic move for OpenWeb within a span of 12 months. In January, the company acquired Hive Media for $60 million, thereby augmenting its capabilities to innovate and develop products that empower publishers in nurturing robust relationships with their audiences. Following this, in April, OpenWeb made headlines with its acquisition of ADYOULIKE, a global advertising platform, for a substantial $100 million. Demonstrating its trajectory of success, OpenWeb concluded its latest Series F funding round by securing $170 million, propelling its total valuation to an impressive $1.5 billion.

In conclusion, OpenWeb’s acquisition of Jeeng symbolizes a significant leap forward in the realm of community engagement and audience management. With a focus on personalized connections, innovative solutions, and strategic collaborations, OpenWeb continues to redefine the landscape of digital engagement, setting the stage for unparalleled growth and success in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

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